Lights, Camera, Action (Writing)!
- Saturday, April 13, 2024 / 9:00 AM (PDT)
- Carsey-Wolf Center
- With Milla Bell-Hart, Annie Julia Wyman
Wallis Annenberg Conference Room (SSMS 4315)
A Storytelling for the Screen weekend workshop
“The Battle of the Bastards,” the True Detective one-shot, Squid Games’ tug-of-war: some of the most indelible moments in recent television spring not from dialogue, but from action. In this new Storytelling for the Screen workshop led by television writers Annie Julia Wyman (The Chair, Tokyo Vice) and Milla Bell-Hart (Monarch: Legacy of Monsters, Truth Be Told), you’ll have a unique chance to dissect these muscular sequences, study the action genre, and prepare your own action writing for professional settings.
Come prepared with wild ideas, dynamic characters, and an openness to take a swing at the most important part of every feature or television script: the first fifteen pages. Participants will work collaboratively and individually to explore how to make the tension, stakes, and emotion in their work explode off the page onto the screen.
Lights, Camera, Action (Writing)! will take place Saturday, April 13 from 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM. As this workshop will involve collaborative work with fellow participants, applicants should be able to commit to the entirety of the workshop. This workshop is open to all UCSB undergraduate students by application only. In their applications, prospective participants should provide an explanation of how this workshop will support their professional development, as well as evidence of prior screenwriting experience (prior experience may include coursework at UCSB or elsewhere, professional experience, and/or other forms of screenwriting practice). Applications are due Wednesday, April 3. Applicants will be notified of admission no later than Monday, April 8.
Applications must be received by midnight on Wednesday, April 3 to receive full consideration.
About the instructors:

Milla Bell-Hart

Annie Julia Wyman
This event is sponsored by the Rick Rosen Storytelling for the Screen Fund.