14: Dred Scott, Wong Kim Ark, & Vanessa Lopez
- Thursday, March 8, 2018 PST
- Pollock Theater
- Screening Format: DVD (66 Minutes)
- With Anne Galisky (Director)
While the Fourteenth Amendment guarantees citizenship to those born or naturalized in the U.S., this Constitutional right has endured attacks since its passage in 1868, and it continues to be at risk today. 14: Dred Scott, Wong Kim Ark & Vanessa Lopez (2014) traces these battles from their roots in the struggles against slavery prior to the Civil War, to the fight against the Chinese Exclusion Act in the late nineteenth century, to current anti-immigrant agitation. The documentary focuses on the stories of three families whose courage in challenging the status quo changed history: Dred and Harriet Scott, Wong Kim Ark, and Rosario and Vanessa Lopez.
Director Anne Galisky joined Helen Morales (Classics, UCSB) for a post-screening discussion.
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Director Anne Galisky
Anne Galisky, director and UCSB alumna, is the daughter of a once-undocumented immigrant father whose parents came to the United States after a seven-year journey from the Ukraine via Mexico. She is a co-founder of Graham Street Productions, based in Portland, Oregon. Galisky directed Papers: Stories of Undocumented Youth(2009) which has screened in all 50 states, the U.S. Capitol Building and on public television stations nationwide. Along with Jose Manuel, Cesar Pineda and Rebecca Shine, Galisky is a co-editor of the illustrated book Papers: Stories by Undocumented Youth (2012). She is the curator of the exhibit The Architecture of Internment: The Build Up to Wartime Incarceration. This traveling exhibit is designed to prompt discussion on the decision to intern Japanese Americans and Japanese nationals and the role of repressive populism in that decision.

Moderator Helen Morales
Helen Morales is a cultural critic with a wide range of interests in the modern and ancient worlds. Her book, Pilgrimage to Dollywood: A Country Music Road Trip Through Tennessee (Chicago, 2014), discusses Dolly Parton, and her music and movies. Helen is the Argyropoulos Professor of Hellenic Studies at UCSB and, together with Professor Elizabeth Digeser, is co-director of the 2018 Critical Issues in America series Changing Faces of U.S. Citizenship.
This event is sponsored by the Carsey-Wolf Center
and the 2018 Critical Issues in America series “Changing Faces of U.S. Citizenship.”
The Critical Issues in America series is sponsored by the College of Letters and Science and in 2018 is organized by Professor Beth DePalma Digeser (History) and Professor Helen Morales (Classics, Argyropoulos Professor of Hellenic Studies),
with co-sponsorship from the Office of the Executive Vice-Chancellor, the Office of the Associate Vice Chancellor for Diversity and Equity, and the Academic Senate.
CWC Docs
The Carsey-Wolf Center is committed to screening documentaries from across the world that engage with contemporary and historical issues, especially regarding social justice and environmental concerns. Documentaries allow filmmakers to address pressing issues and frame the critical debates of our time.