Tyler Morgenstern

Former Assistant Director / Former GSR

Former Graduate Student Researchers

Tyler Morgenstern is a communications professional, cultural programmer, researcher, and writer who served as Assistant Director of the Carsey-Wolf Center (CWC) at UC Santa Barbara. Prior to joining the CWC, he served as Director of Marketing and Communications at the Rotary Centre for the Arts in Kelowna, British Columbia and as Communications Coordinator for the City of Kelowna. He also previously worked for the CWC as a Graduate Student Researcher in 2020 and 2021. Tyler holds a PhD in Film & Media Studies from UC Santa Barbara and is a former Doctoral Fellow of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. He also holds a BA in Communication from Simon Fraser University in Vancouver and an MA in Media Studies from Concordia University in Montreal.

In 2021, he completed a doctoral dissertation entitled Colonial Recursion and Decolonial Maneuver in the Cybernetic Diaspora and maintains a scholarly interest in the history and politics of ICT development and the geopolitics of autonomous automobility. With Dr. Krista Lynes and Dr. Ian Alan Paul, he is co-editor of the open access anthology, Moving Images: Mediating Migration as Crisis (Transcript Verlag, 2020), and with Xiuhe Zhang he is co-editor of a special issue of Media Fields Journal, “Media Cultures of the Imperial Pacific.” His writing has also appeared in the journals Media+Environment, Synoptique, and the International Journal of Communication.